Welcome to the Toledo
Region Data Hub

This is our source of truth
With one comprehensive data repository to draw from, the Toledo Region can speak from a single voice using a common language and a shared understanding of our greatest strengths and latest challenges. Deep dive into data dashboards, community resources, and the region’s latest initiatives to see how things are, and how they can one day be.
Initiatives to Inspire Change.
Data to Back It All Up.
The Toledo Region Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
A multi-pronged, data-driven plan for a more prosperous and resilient economic landscape.
Northwest Ohio Workforce Strategy and Recovery Plan
A four-phase strategy development process to unite ongoing workforce initiatives in pursuit of a large, right-skilled talent pool, equitable opportunities, and a thriving economy.
Community of Excellence 2026: Toledo Region
A framework for building a community where anyone can thrive, as defined by the people who call it home.
Developed and Maintained by a Coalition of Community Partners
Many of the Toledo Region’s initiatives and action plans are driven by a desire to collaborate more effectively—between community organizations, economic and workforce development professionals, and the citizens who are meant to benefit from this work. As such, the Toledo Region Data Hub is a collective effort to inform, inspire, and uplift through meaningful metrics and clear insights.